Views & News
Interviews, podcasts, research from inside and outside Youth Catalytics: you’ll find it all here. We welcome your opinions, conjectures, rejoinders, and anything else you have say. We’re a community of professionals who care about young people, and want the information and insights expressed here to be as vital and vibrant as they are.
Have something to contribute? Add your voice to our Views & News. Contact Mindi Wisman for more information at
You developed the program. Now you want to get it out into the world.
Good news! A rigorous evaluation shows that your program works. Now what? This Q & A dives into how one developer marketed her new evidence-based program.
Engaging youth in creating digital health messages
‘When you ask teens to develop content for their peers, the tendency is for them to regurgitate the same finger-wagging messaging that has been targeted at them for so long. Part of what you need to do with teens is teach them how to effectively reach their peers by generating messaging that is appealing, not alienating.’
Pet-assisted therapy brings companion animals to children and teens in need
Pets are non-threatening, they give unconditional love, they boost everybody’s self-esteem. I was just reading notes children had written in a second-grade class I work with. One note said, ‘Maj-En gives me his paw. Maj-En loves me.’
From birthday cake-bakers to yoga teachers and mentors: how one agency has gone big on volunteers
If you’re saying ‘I’m so busy I can’t deal with volunteers,’ then you actually need the help of volunteers.