Working Well Resource Directory

In partnership with the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE)

Posted March 15, 2024, by Mindi Wisman

In our ongoing work with NCSSLE, we are learning where and how staff well-being and related practices are being implemented to improve the conditions for teaching.

In addition to our podcasts series with school leaders, we have created the Working Well Resource Directory. To date, the directory includes over 70 carefully curated toolkits, blog posts, journal articles, podcasts and more, and continues to be updated. The directory is derived from our work with NCSSLE’s Research to Practice advisory group, as well as an extensive literature scan, and offers a wide range of resources, including several that address equity as it relates to well-being among special populations.

These resources are organized into seven general approaches, each of which is supported by evidence along one or more dimensions. Here are two examples of resources in the Working Well Directory:

Creating a Culture of Care: A Guide for Education Leaders to Develop Systems and Structures That Support Educator Well-BeingThis guide describes the systemic changes that schools need to make to improve educator wellness, including focusing on safety and security; nurturing connectedness and belonging; and promoting professional agency and growth.

Addressing Racial Equity Can Boost Well-being Among School Staff and Students of ColorThis resource examines how state and local education leaders can meaningfully support Black and Hispanic teachers, who are more likely than their White counterparts to work in under-resourced schools.

All free, we hope you’ll find these resources of immediate use in your various settings.

And please let us know what you think!


Working Well: A Teacher-Mentor’s Perspective on Well-Being.


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