Views & News
Interviews, podcasts, research from inside and outside Youth Catalytics: you’ll find it all here. We welcome your opinions, conjectures, rejoinders, and anything else you have say. We’re a community of professionals who care about young people, and want the information and insights expressed here to be as vital and vibrant as they are.
Have something to contribute? Add your voice to our Views & News. Contact Mindi Wisman for more information at
What’s ahead for youth and youth services? The Foresight Initiative
Today we launch The Foresight Initiative: an inquiry into how our field is rising to meet this moment of extraordinary disruption and uncertainty. Starting with a short survey we will learn what adaptations have worked, what practices have lost relevancy, and what innovations are being planned. Learn more about our new initiative and please take our survey!
Helping young people cope with post-lockdown stress
Almost anyone who knows someone in middle or high school sees signs of the stress that is part of adolescence; I’ve talked with young people who cut, whose hair fell out in patches. But in these pandemic months, our stress has been as self-contained as everything else
A new message from our Chair
I’ve been involved with Youth Catalytics for many years, and I continue to marvel at its resilience and relevance even in extraordinary times such as these. One of the things I most admire is …
My pandemic year: A status report
Yes, this has been a hellish last year of isolation, political insanity (almost literally), and economic struggle, but now — and even if it’s a bit premature — I can speak to how I am emerging. The fact is, I’m a better person
The ‘new’ in our new reality
Ever since the pandemic began in March, we at Youth Catalytics have been talking about our collective...