Views & News
Interviews, podcasts, research from inside and outside Youth Catalytics: you’ll find it all here. We welcome your opinions, conjectures, rejoinders, and anything else you have say. We’re a community of professionals who care about young people, and want the information and insights expressed here to be as vital and vibrant as they are.
Have something to contribute? Add your voice to our Views & News. Contact Mindi Wisman for more information at
Estimating the number of unstably housed youth in your community
The Homeless Youth Estimation Project is designed to provide a reliable estimate of the number of youth in any given school district who have left home and are living somewhere else — a car, a friend’s house, with a boyfriend or girlfriend — temporarily.
Politics aside, this is what remains
In the 1970s, our field barely existed. Now it does, because we built it. And we’re not simply fumbling along, doing our best. We’re being effective. There’s incalculable power in that.
Fostering motivation and passion among direct-care staff
Staff members work together in stressful, fast-paced environments on a regular basis. They need the opportunity to slow down, laugh, and build relationships with one another. This can happen simply by cooking a staff meal together, taking a field trip to another nearby RHY program, or spending a day together on a ropes course.